Kevin’s Way

We develop a new measure of excellence for previously marginalized content users.

Our Message

Why is “previously” crossed out?

We could be talking about this in the past tense.

Many companies are providing access to quality entertainment for our blind audiences. But there are many inconsistencies. While we’re on the way there to an experience in parity to sighted audiences, we’re not there yet.

If you work with us, we will get there.

Our firm is currently focusing on securing formal industry adoption of codified measures of excellence in Audio Description for the under-served, and frankly underappreciated, blind audience.

Our organization informs, inspires, and recruits relevant organizations into our new Standards family:

Kevin’s Way is born of the single largest initiative in blind audience empowerment.

Kevin’s Way ™ aligns and accelerates connections and collaborations between audio description audiences and the entertainment industry, which results in the consistency of…

…Audio Description Quality And Excellence.

We’ve developed an equation to ensure a massively underserved audience is brought to content, and we can guarantee their experience matches the commercial intent.


As Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Kevin’s Way, Roy Samuelson has evolved from his role as a sighted audio description narrator to both advocate for, and amplify blind audiences’ voices. His focus is on the professional quality of the many creative roles, companies, and decision makers in the entertainment industry. The gap between audiences and content providers continues to close, as he continues to facilitate conversations,


Kevin’s Way maximizes professionals, blind and sighted, in advancing the demands of audio description audiences.


Through workshops and programs, and other educational initiatives, Kevin’s Way provides standards of excellence and quality, delivered through the combined efforts of blind audiences and organizations who care for the best of the best.


Led by blind leaders for blind audiences, Kevin’s Way focuses on the essential elements of quality audio description.

Find out more how Kevin’s Way works for you.

Talents – writers, engineers, voices, quality control, and providers of audio description

Audiences – those who watch audio description, blind or low vision or sighted

Distributors – marketing teams, promoting content online or broadcast

Content providers – creative forces like producers, production companies, studios directors, and other decision makers.

©2025 KPL and Roy Samuelson. Kevin's Way is a trademark of KPL and Roy Samuelson | Designed by Get Art Seen.